Chicago, IL – June 12, 2018: Loan Ecosystem Online (LEO), a new financial technology platform that streamlines the syndicated loan process, is now live and available to originators, institutional lenders and agents throughout the United States. Developed by Loan Ecosystem LLC, the secure, end-to-end platform transforms the traditionally cumbersome deal discovery process by facilitating participation between lenders and originators, creating efficiency through automation and broadening access to create a more transparent, liquid market for middle market and broadly syndicated loans.

“The launch of Loan Ecosystem Online represents a big step forward in syndicated loan technology and presents a major opportunity for originators and lenders,” said Patrick Livney, CEO of LEO. “Not only does the platform enable efficient and economical syndication of loans to lower borrowing costs for middle market companies, it opens up and facilitates the participation market, while expanding distribution for syndicators via reverse inquiry.”

LEO, an independent company, has leveraged industry experts in building the platform to meet all security, back office and regulatory requirements. After conducting a number of surveys with syndication professionals, LEO’s User Experience team designed an interface and the workflows to address the key areas of friction in the deal process — including the disparate processes between parties and the inefficiencies of dealing with separate CRMs, data rooms and lending platforms. Whether originating club or broadly syndicated loan deals, LEO captures all data touchpoints, in real time, for each originator.

Currently, the LEO platform supports approximately 137 deals, at $15 billion notional, 250 lenders and 1,500 users.

About Loan Ecosystem LLC

LEO is a new fintech platform that streamlines the syndicated loan process, eliminating the current guesswork and manual process utilizing excel spread sheets and gives all parties complete transparency into the loan syndication process. The platform conforms to the highest standards of communication and data security.

What the LEO platform can mean to you:

For Originators and Syndicators, LEO delivers a unique process for selling loans. Not only are you able to sell loans to a targeted lender group (private) or make the loan available to the broader, pre-approved LEO lender base (public), you’re able to monitor lender activity in real-time (page views, document views, downloads) and gage their interest.

For Agents, LEO’s state of the art data room is designed specifically for the syndicated loan market, providing users with an intuitive interface and workflow, enhanced functionalities and increased efficiencies. LEO has an extensive API that may be used to automatically synchronize LEO with your platform.

For Institutional Lenders, LEO represents an online space to apply to originators and syndicators, find a loan, request access, commit to purchase and monitor all on the platform.

For Sponsors and Borrowers, LEO provides a system to manage access to portfolio company information, monitor lender activity and distribute documents to lenders securely.

Learn more about LEO at