Global Business Research Symposium: The Future of Business: Technology, Innovation and Regulation

Tomorrow it will be held the 13th Annual Conference, at St. John’s University, Via Marcantonio Colonna, 21A, 00192, Rome, Italy. The conference has been organized by St. John’s University’s Peter J. Tobin College of Business and a diverse group of international scholars and Universities.

The Global Business Research Symposium originated from the Financial Services Institute (FSI) at the Peter J. Tobin College of Business (TCB), St. John’s University in New York. The FSI was founded in 1995 to provide an educational and research facility dedicated to the advancement of business and financial knowledge through research in a global setting.  The annual symposia were started by the late Donald Pitti (ex-CEO Seligman) and Igor Tomic, Professor of Economics at the TCB, St. John’s University. I. Hilmi Elifoglu and Ivan Abel of TCB joined the Executive Committee soon afterwards and last year Joan Ball and David Chan joined as well.

The main purpose of the symposia has always been to assist those who present papers by creating a genuine atmosphere of friendly collaboration and welcoming environment for sharing research and establishing networks across disciplines and borders.

The news for this year is that it has been organized a panel on fintech and insurtech linking academics and industry folks.

Invited speakers for the panel are:

Montse Guardia, Vice President Consortium Alastria, ​Blockchain World Consortium, and Digital Challenge and Emerging Technologies Director at Sabadell Bank;

Teresa Alarcos, Board member at Lukso (Fashion Blockchain in Berlin) and founder and President of Madrid Start up Community Forum. Member of the Commission Universities and Education, Consortium Alastria;

Edwin Colella, Vice President Mobility in OCTO Telematics, “Telematics for Insurances, corporate fleets and Shared Mobility”

Julapa Jagtiani, Senior Special Advisor, Supervision Regulation and Credit, Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia, “Supervisory and Regulatory View”

Moderator: Prof. Dr. Katia Passerini, Dean College of Professional Studies, St. John’s University, New York


Dr. Mary Merva, CFA, Vice President and Dean of Academics, John Cabot University, Rome

Professor Alessandro Zattoni, Dean, LUISS Business School, Italy

Dr. Adrian Stoian, Department of Economics and Social Sciences, John Cabot University, Rome

Dr. Daniele Pica, Department of Business Administration, John Cabot University, Rome

Dr. Alessandro Signorini, Department of Business Administration, John Cabot University, Rome.

Dr. Pietro Paganini, Department of Business Administration, John Cabot Unviersity, Rome

More information can be found here.