Following the huge success of FORINVEST previous editions, The Innovation Fintech Insurtech Conference, Valencia, organized in collaboration with FINTECHNEWS.ORG and SHAREDMOBILITY.NEWS, under the umbrella of FORINVEST 2018, with the support of several international partners next March 7th & 8th, aims to gather 6,000+ attendees over 2 days in the wonderful location of Feria Valencia, to listen to academicians, and executives from banks, insurance, regulators and of course Fintechs from all continents.

Forinvest is the country’s foremost finance and business event. It is a combined forum and trade fair that brings together the most extensive offering related to the world of Finance, from Financial Products and Services, Investments and Insurance to Technology-based solutions for the industry. Forinvest includes a comprehensive trade exhibition and an extensive program of educational initiatives. The program futures prestigious speaker every year.

The FinTech/Insurtech program has been designed around the following idea: “Powerful forces are reshaping the financial industry. Proliferation of digital technologies, lack of trust, arrival of new generations, regulatory requirements, demographics and economics are together creating an imperative to change. Banks and Insurances need to know, understand and get ahead of these challenges and retool to win in the next era”.


Therefore, inspired by a wonderful book of Gary Hamel, the leitmotiv of the Valencia Fintech Conference is the following: What Matters Now? Five issues are paramount: Foresight, Innovation, Values, Adaptability, Synergies, and Ignition.

  • Foresight Matters: if you don’t know where you are going, you might end up somewhere else. Many companies can manage short-term bursts of high performance, but only a few can sustain it over a longer period.
  • Innovation Matters: even if you are on the right track, you’ll get run over if you just sit there. In a densely connected global economy, successful products and strategies are quickly copied.
  • Values Matter:  doing right because it is right, not because it pays, needs to be the foundation of business. A sound development of business ethics should not forget an obvious and important consideration: business is about human activity that is carried out by individuals within organizations.
  • Adaptability Matters: crazy times call for crazy organizations. In a world of mind-flipping change, what matters is not merely a company’s competitive advantage at a point in time, but its evolutionary advantage over time. An adaptable company requires adaptable minds.
  • Synergies Matter: Synergy is the benefit that results when two or more agents work together to achieve something either one couldn’t have achieved on its own.  It’s the concept of the whole being greater than the sum of its parts. In today’s world, synergies equal to more efficiency, more efficacy, and higher profitability.
  • Ignition Matters: for the Romans, the meaning of ignition was “setting a fire”. Today, it means the process of initiating combustion. The ecosystem we dream is a like a circle: every single element is connected to the other; every single element exists because of the others; every single element is stronger with the others; every single element is interconnected with the others. We want to create sparks that together light up the world.

The full program is available at:

Join us at the astonishing location of the bubble of Feria de Valencia and stay tunes on