Arranca la convocatoria Bankia by Innsomnia – International Open Call

(by Irene Muñoz, Bankia Fintech by Innsomnia, la primera incubadora y aceleradora fintech de España, ubicada en la Marina de Valencia, ha abierto su...

Entrevista a François Derbaix CEO Indexa Capital

(By Luis A. Torralba, La gestora de inversiones Indexa Capital ha cumplido su primer año de vida en el que ha logrado gestionar unos...

Accenture Report: Blockchain technology

One of the most talked-about topics in the financial services industry today is blockchain. And for good reason: The ways in which emerging blockchain...

Venezuelans Are Buying Bitcoin to Purchase Basic Goods, Treat Cancer

(By Joseph Young, Venezuela's national currency Bolivar Fuerte is rapidly losing value amidst hyperinflation. The official FX value of the Venezuelan bolivar is $1...

10 ways Blockchain could be used in education

(By Donald Clark) What is blockchain? Can it be used in education? In 2001, I designed and implemented a Napster-like system with no central storage...

Will Fintech Kill Traditional Banking or Simply Help It Reinvent Itself?

(by Natan Sinnot, The search for the next big thing is a constant in Silicon Valley. The drive to innovate and pioneer is what keeps the...

Incubalia, nueva start up universitaria

Ayer ha sido presentada Incubalia, la nueva start up de la Universidad Rovira i Virgili. Fue el mismo rector de la Universidad, Josep Anton...

The unconventional use of bitcoin

(by Rosamond Hutt, Blockchain was created as the system for running bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies. Big banks and corporate giants are racing to make...

63 Companies Shaping Africa’s FinTech Ecosystem

(by Elena Mesropyan, LTP) Africa is the largest unserved market that has dropped out of sight of the global financial system. Some estimates suggest that...

Top 10 Fintech Companies in Mexico

(by Angela Scott-Briggs, Fintech is thriving in Mexico. With over 158 fintech start-ups, Mexico is the largest fintech market in Latin America, surpassing other...

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Amazon Will Have to Issue its Own Currency ‘Sooner or Later’, Binance CEO Claims

By Omar Faridi Changpeng Zhao, the CEO of Binance, a Malta-based digital asset exchange, recently predicted that Amazon, the world’s largest online retailer, would eventually...

In 2019, online marketplaces will change the way you and the government shop

By Dinuke Ranasinghe 2018 has been a significant year for e-commerce. Just recently, we saw record breaking global sales numbers with US$7.9 billion transacted across Cyber Monday...

Ping Identity CTO’s cybersecurity predictions for 2019

  Ping Identity has released its annual cybersecurity predictions for 2019. Among the top five trends in the coming year are a decrease in successful attacks...