(by Fintechnews.org)

innsomniaLast Friday (25/11), Bankia Fintech by Innsomnia was officially presented in Munich, at the Fujitsu Forum. The Bankia Director of Strategy and Innovation, Ignacio Gea, launched a message to all fintech companies to become part of the project. The project was launched by Bankia last November. Innsomnia, is located in the beautiful area of the Valencia Port, in one of the old America’s Cup base (Team Germany). It has already 14 startups participating into the project. They are working in different areas like risks, export, geo-localization, mobile wallet, etc. The project is led by Fran Estevan, who believes that the Port of Valencia represents the perfect environment for this wondeful project. He hopes the port will become one of the most important technological hub in Europe.


For more information, contact me at Salvatore.moccia@unir.net