Today, the editor of met two special people, Sue Marshall and Vanessa Tierney, CEO & founder of a special and unique candidate matching platform that uses Artificial Intelligence to discover great talent all around the world in an automated way: Abodoo (Abode and Do). Abodoo is the world’s first free-to-access smart matching careers SAAS platform for people and companies open to SmartWorking. SmartWorking is the combined use of technology with the ability for permanent employees to work agile some or all of the time either remote, flexible, hybrid or by co-working. They enable companies to grow by hiring and retaining top talent based on skills rather than location, whilst supporting global challenges such as the environment, cost of living, health, lifestyle and diversity – all through SmartWorking.

FinTechNews. First question. When it comes to hiring people, we do not have much choice. This is the reason why we welcome new tools like yours. In short, how does it work?

Sue & Vanessa: Abodoo is different.  Firstly all of our candidates have selected to Work Smart.  This means that they don’t want the regular 9-5 office based role.  This opens up talent pools for businesses in new locations, in new ‘sectors’ of talent.   The platform works by matching on skills, not location, background, gender or ethnicity – so, it’s totally inclusive.   Employers (and candidates) see only their matches, this reduces time spent scrolling through irrelevant roles or applications as only matches are visible.

FTN. The old recruiting system is based on the fact that the candidates search for a job. Here, it seems to me that it’s the contrary. The system searches for the best opportunities for that specific candidate. Is that correct?

S&V. Absolutely.  But more than that – both parties only engage if they’re a match and agree to communicate – so they’re already fairly confident that there’s a good chance of an offer based on the criteria. Furthermore it is free for the candidate and free for the company up until the point of interview.

FTN. In a survey of alumni from graduate business schools many respondents expressed concerns about the difficulties formatting resumes and posting them in the form required. Do we have the same difficulties with Abodoo?

S&V. No – It’s easy and intuitive to create a profile.. simply complete the form online.  It takes around 8 – 10 minutes and all you need is information such as your career history and education and qualifications.  There are drop down boxes for skills, experience, location etc.  It really is straightforward.

FTN. Another element that was expressed by alumni was that the feedback from the employers is slow in most cases and that is annoying. How do they get the feedback from your system?

S&V. I suppose that really does depend upon the employer in the first instance.  They’re alerted immediately they receive an application or get a great match – then that’s down to candidates to apply or accept invitations.  Of course there’s no guarantee that your application will be accepted and you don’t need to accept invitations you’re not interested in. However, once there’s a mutual match the system helps with easy and straightforward communication and process. The candidate can see where they are in process – initial interview, final interview, offer, contract etc. They can message directly through the platform and store their own notes.   So it’s simple, easy and again, really intuitive.

Abodoo works to reduce time wasting – so if there’s nothing to see you don’t get alerts.

FTN. What tips would you give to those looking for a job?

S&V. Definitely enter ALL relevant skills – the more the better.  This will increase their match potential and percentage. Be patient.  If you don’t get an immediate match please don’t worry – we are adding new roles daily.

FTN. Regarding the Fintech Industry, a recent survey elaborated by Toigo Foundation and Russell Reynolds showed a growing talent migration trend from finance organizations to technology firms. Can you confirm this trend?

S&V. Around 30% of our registered candidates in Ireland work in IT and technology – whereas a much smaller percentage (around 5.5%) work in financial services.  However, we haven’t monitored any transition from one sector to another – so this would simply reflect the registrations on Abodoo.

FTN. We at are working to create a Fintech eco-system called “The Fintech Valley”. In our Valley there will be also a space to recruit Fintech Talent. Do you think there is an opportunity to create synergies in our Valley using your tool?

S&V. Absolutely – there’s a real need for this talent – and registering with Abodoo would enable access to roles which promote SmartWorking.  Companies within the eco –system registering their roles would have access to a much wider talent pool.  It sounds like a super idea!

Thank you very much.

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