Melbourne, November 27, 2018 Woolworths Employees’ Credit Union Limited (WECU), an Australian mutual finance institution, has extended its partnership with Ultradata Australia Pty Ltd, a leading banking solutions supplier, after determining that Ultradata offered the most complete and fully integrated solution to meet their requirements.


The decision was reached following a comprehensive review of global core banking solutions and was in-part based on the forthcoming version release of the Ultradata world-class Ultracs solution.

Ultracs version 5.1 will provide the most complete core banking solution to support seamless omni-channel banking in the marketplace today. It will introduce even more functionality to the Ultracs system with new features for card management, PCI-DSS compliance and best-practice banking.

Ultracs is built on a single database and enables a powerful 360-degree view of the customer with access to real-time data across multiple channels – all seamlessly integrated.

“WECU has been an Ultradata client since 2006. We are a small player in the Australian financial scene with a small dedicated team. We need to be nimble in the market and give our members the best banking services to compete.” said Steve Sampson, CEO WECU

In addition to an aggressive core banking development plan, Ultradata has been actively releasing best-practice digital solutions which are installed in more institutions throughout Australia than any other supplier.

This was another critical deciding factor for WECU who plan a complete transformation of their digital services.

“Ultradata offers a ‘one stop shop’ solution for core banking, integrated lending and digital services, which is a huge plus for WECU. Ultradata not only provides a world-class solution, but it can also be adapted for the unique needs of an institution like ours.

This is a critical part of our strategy and a linchpin of some key announcements we have coming up very soon,” said Steve Sampson.

Peter Henshaw, CEO, Ultradata said “Our solutions and technology are relevant for institutions of any size and we are totally focused on the best solutions for the Australian market to ensure our Clients aren’t just competitive but deliver exceptional customer experience.

“WECU’s decision to continue their partnership with Ultradata for core banking is very important to us, and we look forward to delivering banking solutions to WECU well into the future.” said Peter Henshaw.