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Legal notice

Information Society Services ACT

TECH VALLEY MANAGEMENT, S.L., the controller of the website, hereinafter the CONTROLLER, presents Users with this document in order to fulfil the obligations set out in Information Society and Electronic Commerce Services Act 34/2002, of 11 July 2002, published in Official State Gazette No. 166, and to inform all Users of the website regarding the conditions of use.

All persons accessing the website acquire user status, and undertake to observe and strictly to comply with the conditions here set out, in addition to any other applicable legal provision.

TECH VALLEY MANAGEMENT, S.L. reserves the right to modify any type of information that might appear on the website, without any obligation to serve prior notice or to inform Users of said obligations, publication on the website of TECH VALLEY MANAGEMENT, S.L. being deemed sufficient.

1. Identifying details

Domain name: https://www.dtechvalley.com
Tax Identification Number: B40533143
Registered office: C/ Falcia, 8 puerta 2, 46117 Betera (Valencia)
Telephone: B40533143
e-mail: info@dtechvalley.com
Registration in the Register (Companies/Public): Volume: 123456, Book: 0, Page: 1, Section: 8, Sheet: M 649481, Entry and annotation: 1

2. Intellectual and industrial property rights

The website, including by way of example, without being confined to, the programming, editing, compilation and other elements required for the functioning thereof, the designs, logos, text and/or graphics, are the property of the CONTROLLER, or where applicable it holds an express authorisation or licence granted by the authors. All content of the website is fully protected by intellectual and industrial property regulations, and is registered in the corresponding public registers.

Irrespective of the intended purpose, reproduction in whole or in part, usage, exploitation, distribution and commercialisation require in all cases the prior, written authorisation of the CONTROLLER. Any use without prior authorisation is a serious breach of the intellectual or industrial property rights of the author.

Designs, logos, text and/or graphics not owned by the CONTROLLER and which might appear on the website belong to the corresponding proprietors, who are responsible for any possible dispute which may arise with regard thereto. The CONTROLLER expressly authorises third parties to redirect directly to the specific content of the website, and in all cases to redirect to the main website of https://www.dtechvalley.com,

The DATA CONTROLLER acknowledges that the proprietors enjoy the corresponding intellectual and industrial property rights, and a mere mention or appearance thereof on the website does not imply that TECH VALLEY MANAGEMENT, S.L. enjoys rights or any responsibility with regard thereto, nor that it supports, sponsors or
recommends them.

Any observations to be made with regard to any possible breaches of intellectual or industrial property rights, or regarding any of the content of the website, may be sent to the email address info@dtechvalley.com.

3. Waiver of liability

The CONTROLLER is released from any type of liability derived from the information published on its website, wherever such information was manipulated or incorporated by a third party outside its control.

Use of cookies

The website may make use of technical cookies (small information files which the server sends to the computer of the individual accessing the page) in order to perform certain functions which are considered vital for the proper functionality and display of the site. The cookies used are in all cases temporary in nature, for the sole purpose of achieving more effective browsing, and are deleted when the User’s session ends. These cookies under no circumstances themselves provide personal data, and will not be used to gather such data.

Use of cookies also allows the server hosting the website to recognise the web browser used by the User in order to provide simpler navigation, allowing, for example, access by those Users who have previously registered to areas, services, promotions and competitions reserved exclusively for them, without the need to register on each visit.

They may likewise be used to measure audience, traffic parameters, to monitor progress and number of entries, etc., in which case the cookies are technically non-essential, but are beneficial for Users. This website will not install non-essential cookies without the prior consent of the User.

Users are able to configure their browser to receive a notification when cookies are received, and to prevent them from being installed on their device. Please consult the instructions for your browser for further information in this regard.

Links policy

The website may redirect to the content of third-party websites. As the CONTROLLER cannot always control the content incorporated by third parties on their websites, it accepts no form of liability with regard to such content. In all cases it will proceed immediately to remove any content which could violate national or international legislation, morality or public policy, proceeding immediately to remove the redirection to the website in question, and informing the competent authorities of the content in question.

The CONTROLLER accepts no liability for the information and content stored on platforms which include, without being confined to, forums, chat rooms, blog generators, comments, social media or any other medium allowing third parties to publish content independently on the CONTROLLER’s website. Nonetheless, in fulfilment of the provisions of Articles 11 and 16 of the Information Society and Electronic Commerce Services Act, TECH VALLEY MANAGEMENT, S.L. remains at the service of all Users, authorities and law enforcement agencies, actively collaborating in the removal or, where applicable, blockage of any content that could affect or contravene national or international law, third-party rights or morality.