One of the most talked-about topics in the financial services industry today is blockchain. And for good reason: The ways in which emerging blockchain and distributed ledger technology (DLT) could transform the industry are enticing to companies constantly on the lookout for lower costs and greater efficiency. If fully adopted, it will enable banks to process payments more quickly and more accurately while reducing transaction processing costs
and the requirement for exceptions. accenture1

However, to capitalize on this potential, banks need to build the infrastructure required to create
and operate a true global network using solutions based on this transformative technology. How is blockchain use progressing? What is
critical to its adoption? accenture2

And what can we expect in the years ahead? These are among the questions a recent Accenture survey sought to answer.
Accenture survey found that blockchain use is, indeed, top of mind among banking executives who lead payments businesses. It also uncovered the major benefits executives expect blockchain to generate for their bank,
the use cases to drive those outcomes, and where banks are currently focusing their efforts. Perhaps most critically, the survey revealed
what executives believe must happen for blockchain to gain prominence globally.
